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Kei uta, kei tai, kei ngā toka o to tātou maunga Taranaki kua marere atu ki tēnā pito ki tēnā pito o te ao tēnā katoa mai ra koutou…

Tēnei ka tūngou iho ki te kāhui tiu kua topatopa atu ra ki te ao huna. Kei ngā Mātārae, kei ngā pou kōrero, kei ngā pātaka whakairinga o te kupu rāua ko kōrero kua riro ki tua, tēnei te whakaaraara atu i a koutou i roto i ēnei tāinga kōrero i te wa iti nei. Kia ea te wāhanga ki a koutou, mā atu atu ki te oroko-tīmatanga i whanau mai ai koutou otīa anō tātou te tangata.

Heoti anō ra, tēnā katoa mai ra tātou.

Nomination of Candidates

Nominations for Trustees of the Taranaki Trust for 2013 are now closed.

As you are aware, Leanne Horo, Peter Moeahu and John Niwa must retire by rotation as existing Trustees of the Taranaki Iwi Trust and as Establishment Trustees of Te Kāhui o Taranaki (the new Taranaki Iwi Post Settlement Governance Entity).  We also have a further vacancy due to the resignation of Wayne Mulligan.

For clarity sake, four successful candidates will act as Trustees on the Taranaki Iwi Trust and also as Establishment Trustees on Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust.

The three retiring Trustees are eligible to stand for re-election and all three retiring Trustees have confirmed their intention to do so.

Please click here to see the confirmed list of nominated candidates for the 2013 Taranaki Iwi Trust elections.

General Information

As you are aware the term for a Trustee on the Taranaki Iwi Trust is three (3) years.  However, in the event that settlement legislation is passed and the Taranaki Iwi Trust is wound up and its assets vested in Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Trust within three (3) years, the term as a Trustee on the Taranaki Iwi Trust may be shorter.

Candidate Profiles

Please click here to view an electronic copy of the candidate profiles for the 2013 Taranaki Iwi Trust Elections.

Election of Trustees

As more than four eligible nominations have been received by the Independent Returning Officer, an election will take place.  Voter packs will be forwarded to all registered adult (aged over 18 years old) members from Thursday 5 September 2013.  Registered members who turn 18 years old during the voting period will also be eligible to vote.

If you are not yet a registered member, you can also vote by contacting the Independent Returning Officer for a special voting pack.  Special votes will be counted subject to confirmation of registration.

Voting opens at 9am, Friday 6 September 2013 and closes at 5pm, Friday 4 October 2013.  Votes can be cast in two ways:

  •  by post  (by completing and returning the voting form); or
  • online (using the information on your voting form).

Votes must be cast no later than 5pm on Friday 4 October 2013.   A postal vote will still be counted if it is received after the closing date, provided that the envelope is postmarked Friday 4 October 2013 or earlier, and received within three (3) working days of the closing date.

All voting papers will be treated as strictly confidential.  Thirty (30) days after the close of voting all voting papers will be destroyed.

The official election results will be publicly notified prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Trust.

All adult members of Taranaki Iwi can participate in the Trustee elections.  If you or your whanau are not yet registered with Taranaki Iwi but wish to participate in the Trustee Election, please contact the Independent Returning Officer for a special voting pack on the free phone Election Helpline 0508 666 103 or

Key Dates

Nominations Open                                        Friday 2 August 2013

Nominations Close                                        Friday 23 August 2013, 5.00pm

Voting Opens                                                   Friday 6 September 2013

Voting Closes                                                  Friday 4 October 2013, 5.00pm

Final Result Announced                             Friday 11 October 2013

AGM                                                                    Sunday 13 October 2013, 10.00am

Further Information

If you require any further information please contact the Taranaki Iwi Office on 06 751 4285 or, or the Independent Returning Officer on the free phone Election Helpline 0508 666 103 or


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