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Deferred Settlement Properties Info Hui – 26 March

Tuesday 26 March
Te Kāhui o Taranaki Office
cnr Bayly Road & Ocean View Parade
New Plymouth

Te Kāhui o Taranaki are hosting an information hui in regard to Taranaki Iwi uri expressions of interest in the purchase of the Deferred Settlement Properties (DSPs).

The aim of the hui will be to give interested uri an opportunity to gain more information about the DSPs available, the acquisition process, and the chance to ask the team questions relating to the DSPs.

For further information about the hui please contact the Taranaki Iwi office on 06 751 4285 or email

History of DSP

In 2011 the Claims Leadership Team negotiated for all Crown-owned sites to be transferred back to Taranaki Iwi at no cost.

The settlement provided for the vesting of 29 Crown-owned sites to Taranaki Iwi on settlement date at no cost.

Taranaki Iwi have until February 2019 to purchase lands the Crown owned but would not transfer at no cost. These sites are called Deferred Settlement Properties and to access them we need to buy them from the Crown.

Te Kāhui o Taranaki have spent the last year and a half doing due diligence, gathering information and negotiating to purchase back some of the DSPs. It hasn’t been an easy process, and there have been a lot of Crown delays. Opunake High School, Oākura Primary Wiremu Road Station (still negotiating) Cape Egmont Reserves x 2 residential properties in Opunake, School grounds at old Okato school

There are 15 sites remaining in the DSPs.

Te Kāhui o Taranaki have a further period of time to facilitate a process to assist –

  1. Marae Pā
  2. Hapū
  3. Registered Te Kāhui o Taranaki members (“Uri”), to purchase the DSPs.

Te Kāhui are choosing to do this, it is not required.

DSP Process to Date

At the Taranaki Iwi Marae Pā meeting on 25 November 2018 the DSP process to offer properties back to our uri as a first right was discussed in full. This process was then formally activated on the 7th Dec 2018 with a letter and accompanying property appraisals sent to our seven Marae Pā Chairs and Secretaries.

The DSP policy of Te Kāhui gives our uri three potential opportunities to access these properties in the following order:

  • Marae Pā;
  • Hapū; and,
  • Uri (Registered Members of Te Kāhui o Taranaki).

Marae Pā had up to 25 January 2019 to declare an interest in purchasing the DSP properties.

Parihaka have formally confirmed interest in 3 properties in their rohe, and Te Potaka formally confirmed interest in the only property available in their rohe.

Puniho and Orimupiko confirmed formally that they do not have an interest in purchasing the properties in their respective rohe.

Hapū who are affiliated with either Puniho or Orimupiko Marae Pā were given the opportunity to declare an interest in the properties in their respective Marae Pā rohe no later than 28 February 2019. There were no hapū that declared an interest in the properties.  

Process from Now

At this point of the process we are now inviting uri (registered adult members of Te Kāhui o Taranaki) in those respective rohe to register their expression of interest to purchase the available DSPs. Uri have up to 29 March 2019 to express an interest to purchase.

Te Kāhui have Memoranda of Understanding with Marae Pā and have made provision for assistance from agreed direct distributions already in place. Hapū and uri however must pay for any properties with their own money and/or borrowing.

Timeframes for Hapū and Uri communications:


  1. Hapū uri communications sent out 31 Jan
  2. Hapū expression of interest deadline – 28 Feb


  1. Uri expression of interest deadline – 29 March
  2. Ballot system if required

A ballot system will be used if there is interest from more than 1 party.

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