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Events Calendar

Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Wānanga

Novotel, New Plymouth Corner of Hobson &, Leach St, New Plymouth, New Zealand, New Zealand

Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Wānanga 2-3 December 2017 Puniho Pā, South Road, Warea What Taiohi wānanga to strengthen our whanaungatanga as Taranaki Iwi including wānanga reo, waiata, poi, mau rakau, hīkoi Who Taranaki Iwi Taiohi aged 16 - 40 When Powhiri 10:00am Saturday 2 Dec - 3:00pm Sunday 3 December 2017 Where Tarawainuku Marae, […]

Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Iwi Wānanga 27-29 September 2019

Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Iwi have set the first of three wānanga for 2019, as a continuation of previous Taiohi wānanga which commenced back in December 2017 and throughout 2018, to promote whānaungatanga and learnings, within our iwi space. Mā wai ēnei wānanga? Who are these wānanga for? This is for Taranaki Iwi taiohi from […]

Submissions in support of the S186A Extension close 30 September 2024 -click here to complete your submission!