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Notice of Special General Meeting

The Special General Meeting of Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust will be held at 10.00am on Sunday 29 March at the Novotel Hotel, Corner of Hobson and Leach Street, New Plymouth.

In 2013 Te Kāhui o Taranaki was established to receive the treaty settlement assets on behalf of Taranaki Iwi, governed by a newly created Charter – a document which set out the functions of the iwi’s governance entity and the rules applying. The terms of the Charter were largely prescribed by the Crown.

The Charter also provided a review clause after five years of operation. This review presented an opportunity to revisit the particular elements of the Charter, and determine whether or not it is still ‘fit for purpose’ or whether it could be changed to better reflect the needs and aspirations of Taranaki Iwi moving forward. An example of an issue is where the order of trustee rotation got out of line with that specified in the Charter and therefore a number of amendments are being suggested regarding trustee elections in Schedule Two. Other amendments include further clarification regarding the Maori Fisheries Act 2004 requirements and the use of electronic and digital technology.

A series of consultation hui were held throughout the motu in 2019 and uri were given the opportunity to provide feedback and comment through a submission process. Trustees were presented with a number of recommendations based on the feedback from the consultation hui and submission process.

Some of the proposed changes are as a consequence of other changes to terms, changes to definitions or to ensure consistency in language and meaning between the various clauses in the Charter.
Where a definition has been changed, this has been replicated throughout the Charter.

We have put together some Frequently Asked Questions and prepared a summary explaining the changes to the Charter in more detail. Two copies of the Charter (one a ‘clean’ version and the other showing all of the changes made) are available either to collect from our office, or download to take you through the changes that trustees are recommending for approval at the meeting.

Here is a short video from Te Kāhui o Taranaki Chair, Leanne Horo.

For a clean version of the Charter click here and for a copy showing all of the proposed changes click here. For further information or to register your attendance, please contact Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust office, 1 Young Street, New Plymouth, Ph (06) 751 4285 or email

Special Resolution Information

Te Kāhui o Taranaki are proposing that:

  1. The Amendments to the Te Kāhui o Taranaki Charter be approved.
  2. The Trustees be authorised to submit the Amendments to Te Ohu Kai Moana for its formal approval.
  3. In the unlikely event that Te Ohu Kai Moana requires any further amendments to be made to the Charter (Further Amendments): a.    the Trustees of Te Kāhui be authorised to make the Further Amendments; and
    b.    the Trustees of Te Kāhui submit the Further Amendments to Te Ohu Kai Moana for its formal approval.
  4. The Amendments (and, if applicable any Further Amendments) will be effective from the date on which Te Ohu Kai Moana provides its formal approval of the Amendments and, if applicable any Further Amendments).
  5. The Trustees of Te Kāhui be required to promptly give notice that the formal approval of Te Ohu Kai Moana has been received on the Taranaki Iwi website.

Follow the voting link and instructions to cast your vote

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