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Pātaka Whata

Taranaki Iwi through its Fishing Company developed a pātaka for fish to be available to whānau/ngā uri o Taranaki Iwi for tangihanga.

The process for requesting Pātaka Whata is:

  • Pā/marae or whānau member will advise of tangi
  • The following information is needed about the tangi:
    • Who is it for, where it is being held (can be either at a marae/pā or at home),
    • Name, address and contact phone number of the person picking up the fish. Note: the person picking up the fish will need to show photo ID which is usually a drivers licence or passport to confirm their identity.

Once all information details are known;

  • a permit, requesting fish is sent to Egmont Seafoods, Centennial Drive, New Plymouth, who look after our Pātaka Whata.
  • Contact is made with the person picking up the fish to confirm the time that it will be available.

Taranaki Iwi have a great relationship with Egmont Seafoods and we work together to complete the request, this is usually during working hours of Monday – Saturday morning, as they are closed for business on Statutory Holidays.

All requests can be made to Waiora at the tari on 06 751 4285 during business hours or Leanne Horo by text or phone on 0274 998 746.