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Taranaki Iwi launch Environmental Management Plan

On Tuesday 17 July Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi celebrated the launch of Taiao, Taiora – the Taranaki Iwi Environmental Management plan at Ōkurukuru Cafe and Restaurant in Taranaki.

Taiao, Taiora is an Iwi environmental management plan that represents the views of Taranaki Iwi with regards to environmental resource management.

Taiao, Taiora is a document for Taranaki Iwi to guide and inform decision making by the Iwi, Marae Pā, Hapū and whānau as kaitiaki of the Taranaki Iwi rohe.

Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Chairperson Leanne Horo says that the launch of Taiao, Taiora marks an important step towards developing a clear understanding between the Iwi and local authorities on matters concerning the natural environment in the Taranaki Iwi rohe.

“Taiao, Taiora is an Iwi environmental management plan based on the values and principles of Taranaki Iwi. It is a collection of thoughts and perspectives that are a living embodiment of the connections that exist between Taranaki Iwi and the natural world.

“As well as providing clarity and structure for our Iwi, local authorities can use Taiao, Taiora to guide their changes, reviews and development of district and regional plans and statements so Taranaki Iwi values can be properly recognised, provided for and honoured

“Consultation with marae, pā, hapū of Taranaki Iwi as well as Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi is still required for any type of impact on our natural world.

“Although Taiao, Taiora provides environmental guidelines it should not replace kanohi ki te kanohi engagement with our kaitiaki on the ground,” she says.

Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Pou Taiao Iwi Environmental Manager Puna Wano-Bryant says that mātauranga Māori plays a significant role in Taiao, Taiora with many objectives within the plan utilising an atua / spiritual guardian based approach.

“Taranaki Iwi have used mātauranga Māori practises for generations with the references to atua such as Papatūānuku, our earth mother, and Tangaroa, the spiritual guardian of water, personifying our environment to fit with our holistic worldview.

“Taiao, Taiora incorporates atua in Ngā Take Matua to provide a link between the processes and protocols of local authorities and our environmental approach and worldview.

“So when we talk about our coastal environment, we refer to Ngā Take Matua: Tangaroa ki Tai. Under this section we talk about issues to do with our coastal environment, seabed mining being one of those, where Taranaki Iwi is fundamentally opposed to any new mining or prospecting activity taking place within our rohe.

“Under Ngā Take Matua: Tangaroa ki Uta, we address issues to do with the management of waterways on land. Under this section we call for support for the use of cultural health monitoring tools alongside scientific measurement tools to monitor and report on activities that affect water bodies within the Taranaki Iwi rohe.

“Ultimately in Taiao, Taiora our aim is to encourage organisations, including Taranaki Iwi, to take a holistic atua view when considering all of the effects both positive and negative associated with activities within the environment,” she says.

Under the Resource Management Act local authorities must take into account Iwi planning documents that are endorsed by Iwi authorities when preparing or altering regional policy statements, regional plans and district plans. Taiao, Taiora is the Iwi Environmental Management Plan for the Taranaki Iwi rohe.

You can view and download Taiao, Taiora at the following link –


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