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Ka Uruora has been developed to support whānau to achieve financial independence and improve their financial wellbeing. It’s the first of its kind in the Taranaki rohe.

The Ka Uruora programme is a collaboration between Te Atiawa and Taranaki Iwi, supported by TSB Community Trust, Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Tumu Kāinga and service delivery partners.  It will make available to whānau a range of services including savings, financial education and opportunities for housing.

Ka Uruora- Savings will be the first kaupapa to be launched and made available to iwi registered members,  in partnership with SuperLife, the scheme provider.
One of the key highlights is the matched saving contributions of up to $100 per annum that we’ll be offering whānau who participate.

The term “Ka Uruora” has its origins in classical karakia of Taranaki and acknowledges connection to place and to revitalise and encourage growth.  An ‘uru’ is also a term used to describe a grove of trees. The oldest groves of trees in the forest were considered the noble leaders, providing shelter and support whilst empowering others within the forest to grow.  Ka Uruora seeks to give effect to these symbols and ideas.
For further information click on the following link or head over to their facebook page.

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