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Ngā Rauru Kītahi along with the Taranaki Tū Mai Trustees are pleased to confirm that Taranaki Tū Mai 2013 will be hosted in Waverley at the Waverley Community Centre from Friday 15 – Sunday 17 November 2013.

This is an opportunity for Taranaki whānui to come together with Hākinakina, Kapa Haka and Wānanga to celebrate Taranakitanga, Whanaungatanga and Whakapapa.  This is the third Taranaki Tū Mai Festival to be held, following the hosting in 2009 by Te Atiawa at Waitara and 2011 by Taranaki Iwi at Parihaka.  Please click here to view a copy of the programme.


The confirmed events for Taranaki Tū Mai 2013 are:

Hākinakina (Sports)

– Duathlon (2 teams of 3 per iwi)

– Golf (1 team of 4 per iwi)

– Tennis (2 teams of 2 per iwi)

– Rugby (1 team per iwi)

– League (1 team per iwi)

– Touch (2 teams of 14 per iwi)

– Netball (2 teams of 10 per iwi)

– Kaumatua Games

– Tamariki Games


Whakataetae (competition) and Whakangahau (non-competition)


Reo and Waiata

Please note that there are limited numbers for sports so you need to contact us asap if you are interested in participating.  The format for some of the sports has changed from previous years, so click here for event information from our hosts.  Each event has a coordinator and some events have specific rules.  These separate rules are attached below:


All registrations for Taranaki Tū Mai, must come through one of the eight iwi of Taranaki.  Our Taranaki Iwi registrations are being coordinated through the Taranaki Iwi Trust office, so please click here to download a copy of the registration form.  Each person (including tamariki) will need to complete a separate registration form and each registration form will need to be returned along with your registration fee of $5 to the Taranaki Iwi office as soon as possible.   Please note that tamariki under 12 are free.


We have booked Wai-o-Turi Marae for those of our Taranaki Iwi whanau participating in Taranaki Tū Mai to stay at during the festival from Friday to Sunday.  If you and/or your whanau wish to stay at Wai-o-Turi Marae, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can include you in our numbers for beds and kai.

For those staying at the marae, the following meals will be provided:

– Dinner Friday

– Breakfast Saturday

– Dinner Saturday

– Breakfast Sunday

We encourage our whanau to support the stall holders at the festival for lunch on Saturday, and a hangi lunch is being provided by our hosts on Sunday as a part of the registration costs.  To assist with marae and kai costs for the weekend, there will be a cost of $20 per person for those of us staying at Wai-o-Turi marae.

We are liaising with the marae about the most appropriate time for our powhiri at the marae, and will advise you of this as soon as possible.


We have organised a bus to travel from New Plymouth, around the coast and down to Waverley and on Friday and back again on Sunday afternoon.  The bus will also be taking us between the marae and Waverley Community Centre each day.  As space is limited on the bus, please let us know as soon as possible if you require a seat on the bus.   Of course, you are more than welcome to take your own vehicle/s through to Waverley if you choose.


We have ordered Taranaki Iwi team shirts for all of those who register to participate in Taranaki Tū Mai for Taranaki Iwi.   These shirts will be used for all sports (except Rugby and League) and for our Kapahaka, Kaumatua and Tamariki.  There will be a cost of $5 per person as a contribution towards these shirts, which you will get to keep.


As you are aware, we have been holding Taranaki Iwi kapahaka wānanga since May and our next wānanga in preparation for Taranaki Tū Mai will be held at Punihō Pā from 6.00pm on Friday 8 November to 12.00pm on Sunday 10 November 2013.


The overall costs for individual Taranaki Iwi registrations re as follows:

Taranaki Tu Mai Registration Fee (12 yrs and under free)   $5.00

Taranaki Iwi Team Shirt                                                   $5.00

Accommodation and Kai (if required)                                $20.00

TOTAL                                                                           $30.00

 These costs should be paid to the Taranaki Iwi office as soon as possible.  If you wish to deposit your fees directly into our Trust bank account, please contact us for our bank account details.


If you require any further information please contact the Taranaki Iwi Office on (06) 7514285 or


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