The purpose of Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Iwi is to encourage and develop connections between taiohi and uri with Taranaki Iwi, to strengthen connections with Taranaki Iwi hapū, to enhance those personal and interpersonal connections, and to ask what it means to be an active member in the Taranaki Iwi space.
The aim of Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Iwi is to engage with as many Taranaki Iwi members as possible.
The kaupapa focuses on a specific age range from 16-40 years (but does not exclude) to build and deepen the connection that our taiohi (rangatahi) have to our Iwi, hapū and whenua (land).
Te Kāhui Taiohi Taranaki Iwi held their first wānanga in December 2017, with further wānanga held in 2018 and 2019 at Orimupiko Marae, Puniho Pā, Te Potaka Pā, Te Niho o Te Atiawa and Te Paepae o Te Raukura.
2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic physical wānanga are on hold, however our first ‘virtual’ wānanga is scheduled in October.
For more information on Te Kāhui Taiohi o Taranaki Iwi contact Angie Walters at