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Naa wai heenei kopurapura? Na taatou!

Who do these speckled potatoes belong to? They belong to us!

Parihaka was our Taranaki Iwi statement of Tino Rangatiratanga and has been described as symbolic of autonomy. John Bryce justifying the use of force in Taranaki in Parliament in the 1880’s stated:

…while others of the native race had engaged in battle and been defeated, he (Te Whiti) with no force behind him, stopped as it were the tide of civilisation in that direction. Government after Government had been determined to occupy the land and proceed with the settlement…

In 1883 Te Whiti and Tohu were released and Parihaka was being rebuilt. It was not the end of the fight for them, until their deaths in 1907 both men spoke vociferously in opposing the death of the land and the people.

Submissions in support of the S186A Extension close 30 September 2024 -click here to complete your submission!