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Strategic Plan Presentation: Hui ā-Iwi

A warm mihi to all the whānau who took the time to attend the hui-ā-iwi on Sunday 15 November 2020! What an amazing turn out!

We’re excited to report that overall, everybody was impressed with the strategic plan presented and great korero came out about both the plan and other kaupapa happening in the Taranaki Iwi space.

It was wonderful to see all the tamariki come along with their parents and grandparents. Tamariki had their own special lunch while their mātua were in their focussed hui, and our Iwi Engagement lead took the opportunity to discuss with them what they would like to do at Tiripoua Day 2021. Ideas included a mega bouncy castle and sack and running races. Ka mau te wehi!

During the main lunch, Tonga Karena and Fran Davey spoke about the Ōpunakē Story Telling Ohu, and how whānau if interest can be a part of this kaupapa.

Our whanaunga Robyn Davey then led a short hīkoi to end our whakawhanaungatanga.

We love getting out and about connecting with whānau around the rohe. Please keep an eye out for more opportunities to get together.

To view an electronic copy of the Five Year Strategic Plan click here.

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