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- Secondary
12 December to 28 February 2023
- Tertiary
9 January to 31 March 2023
- Vocational | Apprenticeship | Non-fundable short courses | Conferences | Membership subscriptions | Non-study link applications
9 January to 30 June 2023
The overall aim of Te Kāhui o Taranaki (TKOT) Education Grants is to provide financial assistance to Taranaki Iwi students who are enrolled in a New Zealand Secondary School or Tertiary Institute/Training Provider.

- Be of Taranaki Iwi descent;
- Be based in New Zealand;
- Be enrolled in a New Zealand: Secondary School, Tertiary Institute (University, Polytechnic, Institute of Technology, Wānanga, Private Training Establishment, or Recognised Training Provider) or Approved Training Organisation (ATO); and
- Submit a fully completed application including all required information by the closing date (incomplete or late applications will not be considered).

All applications must be completed via the Grants Portal by clicking on the following link…/Searc…

To access, click on the following link 

Kia ora are you doing rangatahi packs for year 7 students this year?